In a Nagel mood

No, I haven’t been listening to Duran Duran, I just wanted to look at some art.

I love this picture. It's called "Montana." Could have been an alternate world romance novel cover....

For more of a blast from the past, go here. There is artistic nudity, but nothing that strikes me as nasty or salacious. In fact, I love the poster quality, a definite nod to Mucha and Japanese wood prints. I think I will put this on Pinterest, you can follow me there if you aren’t already.

Off to work, it’s raining. But I’m alive, so yo, that’s good news.

Pink stuff!

I have been wanting to finish this series for a while now – it’s a group of pink and brown pieces I did. All are original designs with the exception of the brown pussy bow. Yes, I just said pussy bow.

Do you like the Dreads and Curls button on the hat on the top left???

You guys, I SO don’t want to return to work tomorrow. But I have to. There could be some big changes coming our way, and I can’t say what they are. Mainly, b/c they may not be coming. Or they may. Does that make sense? Of course it doesn’t. It involves work, and not mine. I think that says it all.

Jon got me an iTunes gift card for my birthday (you know, the sucky one) and I still haven’t used it all yet. But I did get this song – my favorite song of the summer. Love the video, too.

I die! (don’t worry, not literally)

I can’t believe the two of my favorite skaters, Shen and Zhao, have this routine in their arsenal now…

Especially since it’s a direct callback to this So You Think You Can Dance number…

Was anyone else as disappointed in this season of SYTYCD as I was?? The winner bothered me and the dances were pretty unmemorable. But I do hope Cat Deeley wins the Emmy!

Worst. Birthday. Ever!

Those of you who follow me on Facebook probably know what happened to me this past week, but even if you do, I thought I’d give you an update.

After feeling poorly all weekend last (almost blacking out a few times) I finally said, “Honey, take me to the ER or MedNow Clinic. Doesn’t matter which.”

So we ended up at the clinic, and after an EKG, they called the ambulance toute de suite. I went to JFK Medical Center from there — it’s a little far away, but it’s actually for the best we followed our own particular trajectory, since the Gardens Medical Center had been on diversion all day due to a power outage. Who knows when they would have seen me?

Apparantely, I was having a V-Tach – that’s ventricular tachycardia. Does anyone remember the Loyola Marymount basketball player Hank Gathers, who died on the court from this? Here’s a link, so you can learn a little more about it.

I spent Tuesday night through yesterday aftenoon in the hospital. Including my birthday on Wed. UGH! On Wed., I had a carido cath, which means they inserted a tube into my right arm and when into my heart to check for blockage. I was clear.

Thursday was sitting around watching horrible TV – I never need to see King of Queens again in this lifetime, people!!

Friday was my second procedure. A electrochardial study and then an ablation. They put a tube/wires up through my groin and then studied the “electrical system” of my heart. Next, they burned a hole there to “reset” me. And here I am!

I am fine. The “holes” in me are teeny tiny. However, I look like I have junkie arms now. Someone call Intervention! I have small veins, and this proved to be a challenge for the hopsital staff — with the exception of Bernard, the Jamaican male nurse who waltzed into my room at 2 in the morning singing some old Soul II Soul and ended with a little Bob Marley. This guy should do ALL the Ivs.

I am fine and so thankful for the friends and family who wished me well on Facebook and through phone calls. Gina and Bonnie (who is all the way in Costa Rica!) I am thinking of you in particular. Even though my readership is small, it amazes me how we can forge friendships online that really last. Thank you so much.

I thank my husband, Jon, too. The light of my life, my other half. Jon himself went through a scare about 4 years ago when he developed a disease called ITP. It ended with a spleen removal and lots of worry, but it’s funny how we’ve both surrvived near life-ending health scares. I feel we’ve both been given second chances, and should not waste them.

Whenever I find myself in the hospital I always get an “earmworm;” a song that goes round and round in my head. This time, it was “Spit on a Stranger,” by Pavement….

“honey i’m a prize and your a catch and we’re a perfect match…”

How funny that on Thursday night, I was watching a rerun of How I Met Your Mother (good lord, we got nothing but CBS reruns!) and they played it.

It’s an all-time favorite. Nickel Creek do a great version, too. Oh well, it was just sayin’ what I had been thinkin’.

More blogging later this week — I plan to recoup for a few days and then hope to return to work. I actually do. Last night I was organizing the apt. like a crazy person. Being out of control is such a scary thing.

Celebrity bios and other BS

There is so much I WANT to do but seldom do. I want to rework this blog. I need some changes in my life!
I am planning to get another tattoo. But I must lose weight first. That’s my rule. But I can’t seem to do it, no matter how little I eat.

I am stymied. I am stuck in a job I absolutely LOATHE, if I am being honest. Somedays I lie to myself and tell myself it’s not so bad. But it is. My health and sanity have gone done the drain in the last year.

But I will tell you — to get through the day, there is no celebrity bio I won’t read on the sly. Seriously, I don’t care who you are/were, I will read about you.

Case in point? Dick. I needed some Dick in my life.

Because I really needed to read about all 10 seasons of Diagnosis: Murder.

Then, I read this chica’s book, because – well, I always wanted my home decor to look like the inside of Jeannie’s bottle.

I actually succeeded in college and in my old condo, when my walls were painted Pepto pink. Sigh. The memories!

And this week, b/c I like to change it up and go hardcore, what about Bob?

By the way, Bob is a proud member of the Bear Community now, and he will tell you all about it. Keep on rocking in the free world, my friend.

I call these my “brain drain” books, and it’s pretty clear why. I tend to go off the beaten path a touch; in other words, I won’t be reading Denise Richards’ “book” anytime soon.

What have YOU been reading lately? War and Peace? Fast Food Nation? Or something by James Patterson?

If the answer is regarding choice No. 3, please don’t answer.